On Widowhood Widow is an irrelevant and dried up term -a womanForgottenDecrepitUnhingedAnd impossibly infirmWidow is a word for aShrillRepulsiveLonesomeCrone- haunting the belfryBereftA tea-stained bagOf rattling boneA widow is not slick, salty blood-Drenched lipsAching breastsIron thighsThe luxuryOf full, swinging hipsA widow is not heatBright,Candied,Head on fireBody dripping sexLike flowers ooze syrupSprouting stems so fineThey conduct their own choirThe folk tale widows of my childhoodThose ruined,Miserable banshees -nothingLike meFresh tart, flesh ripe, bulgingAnd wonderfully completeYet folks still call me widow,Goddess, how can this be? – Ansley Flores